Here's the thing—President Barack Obama has been more than just the Leader of the Free World, he's kinda been our father figure.
Between the dad jokes, his punny speeches, his sweet moments with his girls, Michelle, Maliaand Sasha Obama, his constant effort to be up with all of the pop culture references (it's quite precious, actually), there are a number of examples of when Obama's been all of our dad.
Which means, we could've made this post way longer, but we don't have all night, people.
Regardless, enjoy these nine examples of when Barack totally let his Dad flag fly, because truth be told, we're gonna miss it.

1. When He's Embarrassing but Sweet:Obama singing "Happy Birthday" to Malia Obama was just precious. He said it best when he told the crowd "it's a job of a father to embarrass his daughters, I've got one last job." And you're damn good at that job, Dad Prez.
2. When He Tried to Keep Up With Game of Thrones: You know how sometimes your parents try to understand things that are big in pop culture? It was just so cute to see Barack try to name everyone who's died on the HBO show. To be fair, that's hard AF.
In between naming the victims of the HBO show's kill list, Obama had to try to make a string friendship bracelet, stack Cheerios, play a successful game of Operation and untangle earbuds.
3. When He Admits He Needs a Vacay From Being a Dad: During an appearance on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, Obama spoke about where he plans to go once his duties as president are over.
"I think it's fair to say that it will be someplace warm, because it's gonna be January, and then I think Michelle and I will take a break somewhere for a couple weeks, and let the girls manage for themselves," he said. "Hopefully they'll be OK when we get back."
4. When He Talks S--t About Politicians: Parents usually try to minimize their s--t talking, but once you get them talking about politics, it's fair game. "Thank you, congress, for spending eight years wishing you could replace me with a Republican," he wrote, as Donald Trump's picture appeared next to him, while on Fallon. "Or, to put it another way, how do you like me now?" Oh snap!
5. When He Gives Education Advice: When Malia was trying to figure out which college to attend (spoiler: she's going to Harvard like her parents), Obama had some wise words to share.
"One piece of advice that I've given her is not to stress too much about having to get into one particular college," the president said while speaking in Des Moines, according to The New York Times. "Just because it's not some name-brand, famous, fancy school doesn't mean that you're not going to get a great education there."
He also said his second piece of advice to his daughter was to "keep your grades up until you get in, and after that, make sure you pass." (Ugh, and remember when he admitted he'd be sobbing at her graduation!)
6. When He Keeps the Dad Jokes Coming: Barack is famous for his one-liners and zingers. For example, at the Thanksgiving turkey pardon, he offered this gem: "It's hard to believe this is my seventh year of pardoning a turkey," he began. "Time flies. Even if turkeys don't." Oh, Barack.
7. When He Talks About Social Media: Obama met Kendall Jenner during the White House Correspondents Dinner, and he made sure to mention that his Twitter was going to blow up.
While giving a shout-out to the model during his speech, Barack said, "Kendall Jenner is also here. And we had a chance to meet backstage. She seems like a very nice young woman. I'm not exactly sure what she does. But I am told that my Twitter mentions are about to go through the roof." LOL!
8. When He Talks About Rap Music: So, we haven't really experienced Obama rap for real, but he definitely has an opinion about those who are in the game right now. In fact, he's openly praised Kendrick Lamar on multiple occasions.
9. When He Does Everything in This Video: Seriously, this is just perfect.
Barack, you're not just any dad. You're a cool dad.